Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church Developing Church Report

Appendix 1: (Disc. Para 510: 1-5)
510. A developing church is either a formerly established church that has been reclassified by the district board of administration because it no longer meets the qualifications in 518, or a church planting project supervised by a parent church, a cluster of parenting church partners, the district board of administration, or the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division. A developing church is eventually intended to become an established church, but does not yet meet all requirements for this classification (518).
(1) The pastor shall be selected by the district board of administration and appointed by the district conference, except in the interim of district conference sessions when the district board of administration shall have full power of appointment.
(2) A membership roll shall be maintained, ordinarily for one to twenty-four members. Candidates for membership shall be examined and recommended by the pastor until such a time as a local advisory council is formed and assumes this duty; and their reception shall be authorized by the district superintendent (1310:17).
(3) As soon as qualified members are available, the district superintendent, in cooperation with the pastor, may appoint a local advisory council of three to five members.
(4) All property of a developing church shall be held by the district, with titles secured as given in 4660.
(5) A developing church may have one lay delegate to the district conference when so assigned by the district board of administration (1086; 1100:2; 1103).

Appendix 2: (Disc. Para 510: 6 a-d)
(6) Each developing church shall be assigned by the district board of administration to one of the following categories for annual district conference and General Church reporting purposes, until it is organized as an established church or discontinued:
(a) District/denominational church plant (a new church initiated and supervised by the district or the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division but not yet classified as an established church in keeping with 518);
(b) Daughter church plant (a new church initiated and supervised by a parent church or a cluster of parenting church partners but not yet classified as an established church in keeping with 518)
(c) Revitalization project (a former established church reclassified by the district conference or the district board of administration in keeping with 518:7 for the intentional purpose of renewal and redevelopment); or
(d) Restart project (a former developing or established church temporarily closed by the district and subsequently reopened at the same location and/or with some of the previous members).

Appendix 3: (Disc. Para. 518)
Authorization for Organization. The organization of a developing church as a fully established church.... may be authorized by the district board of administration and effected by the district superintendent when it meets these requirements:
(1) Twenty-five or more persons who are members or are approved and ready to be received as members when the organization shall be effected.
(2) Effective evangelism and a record of new converts and/or believers’ baptisms incorporated into the church.
(3) An intentional investment of financial and human resources into community and global needs.
(4) A reasonable degree of financial stability, including the meeting of such obligations as it may have to the General Church and the district.
(5) A reasonable degree of leadership and organizational maturity, with sufficient qualified persons to staff the minimum organization provided for in 810.
(6) The holding of all property in trust for The Wesleyan Church as required in 4610 (4680) or steps taken to accomplish the same.

This report is designed to help our developing churches comply with KDWC Standing Rule 17.

SR: 17 ACCOUNTABILITY: All developing churches shall provide a regular ministry report including financial statements to the District Superintendent no less than quarterly. 

Details about a developing church are listed in para 510 of The Discipline. (see Appendix 1 at the right)

Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Each quarter please provide:
Please select one option.

Please include the following once each church year, no later than June 15. 


Appendix 1: (Disc. Para 510: 1-5)
510. A developing church is either a formerly established church that has been reclassified by the district board of administration because it no longer meets the qualifications in 518, or a church planting project supervised by a parent church, a cluster of parenting church partners, the district board of administration, or the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division. A developing church is eventually intended to become an established church, but does not yet meet all requirements for this classification (518).
(1) The pastor shall be selected by the district board of administration and appointed by the district conference, except in the interim of district conference sessions when the district board of administration shall have full power of appointment.
(2) A membership roll shall be maintained, ordinarily for one to twenty-four members. Candidates for membership shall be examined and recommended by the pastor until such a time as a local advisory council is formed and assumes this duty; and their reception shall be authorized by the district superintendent (1310:17).
(3) As soon as qualified members are available, the district superintendent, in cooperation with the pastor, may appoint a local advisory council of three to five members.
(4) All property of a developing church shall be held by the district, with titles secured as given in 4660.
(5) A developing church may have one lay delegate to the district conference when so assigned by the district board of administration (1086; 1100:2; 1103).

Appendix 2: (Disc. Para 510: 6 a-d)
(6) Each developing church shall be assigned by the district board of administration to one of the following categories for annual district conference and General Church reporting purposes, until it is organized as an established church or discontinued:
(a) District/denominational church plant (a new church initiated and supervised by the district or the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division but not yet classified as an established church in keeping with 518);
(b) Daughter church plant (a new church initiated and supervised by a parent church or a cluster of parenting church partners but not yet classified as an established church in keeping with 518)
(c) Revitalization project (a former established church reclassified by the district conference or the district board of administration in keeping with 518:7 for the intentional purpose of renewal and redevelopment); or
(d) Restart project (a former developing or established church temporarily closed by the district and subsequently reopened at the same location and/or with some of the previous members).

Appendix 3: (Disc. Para. 518)
Authorization for Organization. The organization of a developing church as a fully established church.... may be authorized by the district board of administration and effected by the district superintendent when it meets these requirements:
(1) Twenty-five or more persons who are members or are approved and ready to be received as members when the organization shall be effected.
(2) Effective evangelism and a record of new converts and/or believers’ baptisms incorporated into the church.
(3) An intentional investment of financial and human resources into community and global needs.
(4) A reasonable degree of financial stability, including the meeting of such obligations as it may have to the General Church and the district.
(5) A reasonable degree of leadership and organizational maturity, with sufficient qualified persons to staff the minimum organization provided for in 810.
(6) The holding of all property in trust for The Wesleyan Church as required in 4610 (4680) or steps taken to accomplish the same.